Monday Juice
au jus’
Queer Sauna Season
Thank you for registering!
Please be mindfull to bring slippers and a towel to visit the sauna.
Monday Juice will be turned on when 3 or more persons will be present,
therefore we will send a confirmation to your email a day before.
If you haven’t yet, please read the coordinates for being together, which are the terms and conditions for being at Monday Juice.
Looking forward to welcome you,
if you have any other questions, contact us by
from 6 to 9pm on mondays during Queer Sauna Season at:
au jus vzw
Avenue Jean Volders 24
1060 Sint-Gillis
< back to PROGRAM

All together we aim to make this space the most comfortable and safe we can. There is not a single way to do this neither a unique experience valid for everyone.
We ask you to respect other people, as well as their pronouns - and how they choose to expose or not to expose themselves.
In this space it is possible, but not mandatory, to enter in the sauna in ways that reflect each other's needs: dressing or undressing up, participating or not to the proposed activities.
Always asking for consent is the basis for holding space together.
No tolerance is allowed towards attitudes of racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, ableism, classism and any other form of violence.
Every opening will be guided by someone from the organisation. Please feel free to highlight situations that do not respect your limits, your state of mind and your well-being so that a joint solution can be found.
It is very important for us to build a dimension of sharing and dialogue between participants, organisers and hosts in order to work towards a safer space for everyone.